Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing

تاریخ: 1399/02/04 15:35
توسط: MotoMan
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دوره ویدیویی Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing
Dino Esposito
4h 25m

دوره ویدیویی Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing موسسه Pluralsight که توسط Dino Esposito تدریس شده است، الگو‌های تجزیه و تحلیل DDD که در یافتن معماری سطح بالا حوزه کسب و کار مفید هستند را پوشش می‌دهد. در این دوره، معماران و توسعه دهندگان با جزئیات پیاده سازی الگوهایی مانندDomain Model ، CQRS و Event Sourcing آشنا می‌شوند.

دوره معماری نرم افزار مدرن: مدل‌های دامنه، CQRS و Event Sourcing موسسه پلورالسایت تدریس شده توسط Dino Esposito، دارای زیر نویس انگلیسی تولید شده به صورت خودکار است.


Table of Contents:
DDD at a Glance
- Introduction
- DDD in History
- DDD Today
- DDD Misconceptions
Discovering the Domain Architecture through DDD
- Introduction
- Ubiquitous Language
- Defining the Ubiquitous Language
- Ubiquitous Language Tips
- Bounded Contexts
- Discovering Bounded Contexts
- Context Mapping
- Event Storming
The DDD Layered Architecture
- Introduction
- The Layers of a Software System
- The Presentation Layer
- The Application Layer
- The Business Logic
- Patterns for Organizing the Business Logic
- The Domain Layer
- The Infrastructure Layer
The "Domain Model" Supporting Architecture
- Introduction
- Holistic Model for the Business Domain
- Aspects of a Domain Model
- Database-centric Domain Models
- That Crazy Little Thing Called Behavior
- Domain Model as a Domain API
- Aggregates and Value Types w/ DEMO
- Domain Services
- Events in the Business Domain
- Anemic Models
- Beyond Single All-encompassing Domain Models
The CQRS Supporting Architecture
- Introduction
- CQRS at a Glance
- CQRS Regular
- CQRS Regular in Action
- CQRS Premium
- CQRS Premium in Action
- Message-based Business Logic
- CQRS Deluxe
- CQRS Deluxe Implementation
- CQRS Deluxe Code Inspection
Event Sourcing
- Introduction
- From CQRS to Events
- Event Sourcing at a Glance
- Events as the Data Source
- Event-based Persistence
- Data Projections from Stored Events
- Event Sourcing in Action
- Event-based Data Stores
Designing Software Driven by the Domain
- Introduction
- Dealing with Legacy Code
- Revisiting CRUD Systems
- A Gentle Introduction to UX-driven Design
- Highlights of UX-driven Design
- Pillars of Modern Software

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