C++ How to Program, 10th Edition

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دانلود کتاب C++ How to Program, 10th Edition
Paul J. Deitel, Harvey Deitel

ویرایش دهم کتاب چگونگی برنامه نویسی با سی پلاس پلاس دایتل (C++ How to Program)، هم برای خوانندگانی  مناسب است که برنامه نویسی بلد نیستند و هم برای کسانی که کمی برنامه نویسی می‌دانند و یا حتی در این کار حرفه ای هستند. ویرایش دهم این کتاب از استاندارد C++11 و همچنین استاندارد جدید C++14 پیروی می‌کند.

Table of Contents
Preface xxiii
Before You Begin xxxix
1 Introduction to Computers and C++ 1
1.1 Introduction 
1.2 Computers and the Internet in Industry and Research 
1.3 Hardware and Software 
1.3.1 Moore’s Law 
1.3.2 Computer Organization 
1.4 Data Hierarchy 
1.5 Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages 
1.6 C and C++
1.7 Programming Languages 
1.8 Introduction to Object Technology 
1.9 Typical C++ Development Environment 
1.10 Test-Driving a C++ Application 
1.10.1 Compiling and Running an Application in Visual Studio 2015 for Windows 
1.10.2 Compiling and Running Using GNU C++ on Linux 
1.10.3 Compiling and Running with Xcode on Mac OS X 
1.11 Operating Systems 
1.11.1 Windows—A Proprietary Operating System 
1.11.2 Linux—An Open-Source Operating System 
1.11.3 Apple’s OS X; Apple’s iOS for iPhone®, iPad® and iPod Touch® Devices 
1.11.4 Google’s Android 
1.12 The Internet and the World Wide Web 
1.13 Some Key Software Development Terminology 
1.14 C++11 and C++14: The Latest C++ Versions 
1.15 Boost C++ Libraries 
1.16 Keeping Up to Date with Information Technologies 

2 Introduction to C++ Programming, Input/Output and Operators 
2.1 Introduction 
2.2 First Program in C++: Printing a Line of Text 
2.3 Modifying Our First C++ Program 
2.4 Another C++ Program: Adding Integers 
2.5 Memory Concepts 
2.6 Arithmetic 
2.7 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators 
2.8 Wrap-Up 

3 Introduction to Classes, Objects, Member Functions and Strings 
3.1 Introduction 
3.2 Test-Driving an Account Object 
3.2.1 Instantiating an Object 
3.2.2 Headers and Source-Code Files 
3.2.3 Calling Class Account’s getName Member Function 
3.2.4 Inputting a string with getline 
3.2.5 Calling Class Account’s setName Member Function 
3.3 Account Class with a Data Member and Set and Get Member Functions 
3.3.1 Account Class Definition 
3.3.2 Keyword class and the Class Body 
3.3.3 Data Member name of Type string 
3.3.4 setName Member Function 
3.3.5 getName Member Function 
3.3.6 Access Specifiers private and public 
3.3.7 Account UML Class Diagram 
3.4 Account Class: Initializing Objects with Constructors 
3.4.1 Defining an Account Constructor for Custom Object Initialization 
3.4.2 Initializing Account Objects When They’re Created 
3.4.3 Account UML Class Diagram with a Constructor 
3.5 Software Engineering with Set and Get Member Functions 
3.6 Account Class with a Balance; Data Validation 
3.6.1 Data Member balance 
3.6.2 Two-Parameter Constructor with Validation 
3.6.3 deposit Member Function with Validation 
3.6.4 getBalance Member Function 
3.6.5 Manipulating Account Objects with Balances 
3.6.6 Account UML Class Diagram with a Balance and Member Functions deposit and getBalance 
3.7 Wrap-Up 

4 Algorithm Development and Control Statements: Part 1 
4.1 Introduction 
4.2 Algorithms 
4.3 Pseudocode 
4.4 Control Structures 
4.4.1 Sequence Structure 
4.4.2 Selection Statements 
4.4.3 Iteration Statements 
4.4.4 Summary of Control Statements 
4.5 if Single-Selection Statement 
4.6 if…else Double-Selection Statement 
4.6.1 Nested if…else Statements 
4.6.2 Dangling-else Problem 
4.6.3 Blocks 
4.6.4 Conditional Operator (?:) 
4.7 Student Class: Nested if…else Statements 
4.8 while Iteration Statement 
4.9 Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Iteration 
4.9.1 Pseudocode Algorithm with Counter-Controlled Iteration 
4.9.2 Implementing Counter-Controlled Iteration 
4.9.3 Notes on Integer Division and Truncation 
4.9.4 Arithmetic Overflow 
4.9.5 Input Validation 
4.10 Formulating Algorithms: Sentinel-Controlled Iteration 
4.10.1 Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: The Top and First Refinement 
4.10.2 Proceeding to the Second Refinement 
4.10.3 Implementing Sentinel-Controlled Iteration 
4.10.4 Converting Between Fundamental Types Explicitly and Implicitly 
4.10.5 Formatting Floating-Point Numbers 
4.10.6 Unsigned Integers and User Input 
4.11 Formulating Algorithms: Nested Control Statements 
4.11.1 Problem Statement 
4.11.2 Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: Pseudocode Representation of the Top 
4.11.3 Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: First Refinement 
4.11.4 Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: Second Refinement 
4.11.5 Complete Second Refinement of the Pseudocode 
4.11.6 Program That Implements the Pseudocode Algorithm 
4.11.7 Preventing Narrowing Conversions with List Initialization 
4.12 Compound Assignment Operators 
4.13 Increment and Decrement Operators 
4.14 Fundamental Types Are Not Portable 

5 Control Statements: Part 2; Logical Operators 
5.1 Introduction 
5.2 Essentials of Counter-Controlled Iteration 
5.3 for Iteration Statement 
5.4 Examples Using the for Statement 
5.5 Application: Summing Even Integers 
5.6 Application: Compound-Interest Calculations 
5.7 Case Study: Integer-Based Monetary Calculations with Class DollarAmount 
5.7.1 Demonstrating Class DollarAmount 
5.7.2 Class DollarAmount 
5.8 do…while Iteration Statement 
5.9 switch Multiple-Selection Statement 
5.10 break and continue Statements 
5.10.1 break Statement 
5.10.2 continue Statement 
5.11 Logical Operators 
5.11.1 Logical AND (&&) Operator 
5.11.2 Logical OR (||) Operator 
5.11.3 Short-Circuit Evaluation 
5.11.4 Logical Negation (!) Operator 
5.11.5 Logical Operators Example 
5.12 Confusing the Equality (==) and Assignment (=) Operators 
5.13 Structured-Programming Summary 

6 Functions and an Introduction to Recursion 
6.1 Introduction 
6.2 Program Components in C++ 
6.3 Math Library Functions 
6.4 Function Prototypes 
6.5 Function-Prototype and Argument-Coercion Notes 
6.5.1 Function Signatures and Function Prototypes 
6.5.2 Argument Coercion 
6.5.3 Argument-Promotion Rules and Implicit Conversions 
6.6 C++ Standard Library Headers 
6.7 Case Study: Random-Number Generation 
6.7.1 Rolling a Six-Sided Die 
6.7.2 Rolling a Six-Sided Die 60,000,000 Times 
6.7.3 Randomizing the Random-Number Generator with srand 
6.7.4 Seeding the Random-Number Generator with the Current Time 
6.7.5 Scaling and Shifting Random Numbers 
6.8 Case Study: Game of Chance; Introducing Scoped enums 
6.9 C++11 Random Numbers 
6.10 Scope Rules 
6.11 Function-Call Stack and Activation Records 
6.12 Inline Functions 
6.13 References and Reference Parameters 
6.14 Default Arguments 
6.15 Unary Scope Resolution Operator 
6.16 Function Overloading 
6.17 Function Templates 
6.19 Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series 
6.20 Recursion vs. Iteration 

7 Class Templates array and vector; Catching Exceptions 
7.1 Introduction 
7.2 arrays 
7.3 Declaring arrays 
7.4 Examples Using arrays 
7.4.1 Declaring an array and Using a Loop to Initialize the array’s Elements 
7.4.2 Initializing an array in a Declaration with an Initializer List 
7.4.3 Specifying an array’s Size with a Constant Variable and Setting array Elements with Calculations 
7.4.4 Summing the Elements of an array 
7.4.5 Using a Bar Chart to Display array Data Graphically 
7.4.6 Using the Elements of an array as Counters 
7.4.7 Using arrays to Summarize Survey Results 
7.4.8 Static Local arrays and Automatic Local arrays 
7.5 Range-Based for Statement 
7.6 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using an array to Store Grades 
7.7 Sorting and Searching arrays 
7.7.1 Sorting 
7.7.2 Searching 
7.7.3 Demonstrating Functions sort and binary_search 
7.8 Multidimensional arrays 
7.9 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using a Two-Dimensional array 
7.10 Introduction to C++ Standard Library Class Template vector 

8 Pointers 
8.1 Introduction 
8.2 Pointer Variable Declarations and Initialization 
8.2.1 Declaring Pointers 
8.2.2 Initializing Pointers 
8.2.3 Null Pointers Prior to C++11 
8.3 Pointer Operators 
8.3.1 Address (&) Operator 
8.3.2 Indirection (*) Operator 
8.3.3 Using the Address (&) and Indirection (*) Operators 
8.4 Pass-by-Reference with Pointers 
8.5 Built-In Arrays 
8.5.1 Declaring and Accessing a Built-In Array 
8.5.2 Initializing Built-In Arrays 
8.5.3 Passing Built-In Arrays to Functions 
8.5.4 Declaring Built-In Array Parameters 
8.5.5 C++11: Standard Library Functions begin and end 
8.5.6 Built-In Array Limitations 
8.5.7 Built-In Arrays Sometimes Are Required 
8.6 Using const with Pointers 
8.6.1 Nonconstant Pointer to Nonconstant Data 
8.6.2 Nonconstant Pointer to Constant Data 
8.6.3 Constant Pointer to Nonconstant Data 
8.6.4 Constant Pointer to Constant Data 
8.7 sizeof Operator 
8.8 Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic 
8.8.1 Adding Integers to and Subtracting Integers from Pointers 
8.8.2 Subtracting Pointers 
8.8.3 Pointer Assignment 
8.8.4 Cannot Dereference a void* 
8.8.5 Comparing Pointers 
8.9 Relationship Between Pointers and Built-In Arrays 
8.9.1 Pointer/Offset Notation 
8.9.2 Pointer/Offset Notation with the Built-In Array’s Name as the Pointer 
8.9.3 Pointer/Subscript Notation 
8.9.4 Demonstrating the Relationship Between Pointers and Built-In Arrays 
8.10 Pointer-Based Strings (Optional) 
8.11 Note About Smart Pointers 

9 Classes: A Deeper Look 
9.1 Introduction 
9.2 Time Class Case Study: Separating Interface from Implementation 
9.2.1 Interface of a Class 
9.2.2 Separating the Interface from the Implementation 
9.2.3 Time Class Definition 
9.2.4 Time Class Member Functions 
9.2.5 Scope Resolution Operator (::) 
9.2.6 Including the Class Header in the Source-Code File 
9.2.7 Time Class Member Function setTime and Throwing Exceptions 
9.2.8 Time Class Member Function toUniversalString and String Stream Processing 
9.2.9 Time Class Member Function toStandardString 
9.2.10 Implicitly Inlining Member Functions 
9.2.11 Member Functions vs. Global Functions 
9.2.12 Using Class Time 
9.2.13 Object Size 
9.3 Compilation and Linking Process 
9.4 Class Scope and Accessing Class Members 
9.5 Access Functions and Utility Functions 
9.6 Time Class Case Study: Constructors with Default Arguments 
9.6.1 Constructors with Default Arguments 
9.6.2 Overloaded Constructors and C++11 Delegating Constructors 
9.7 Destructors 
9.8 When Constructors and Destructors Are Called 
9.8.1 Constructors and Destructors for Objects in Global Scope 
9.8.2 Constructors and Destructors for Non-static Local Objects 
9.8.3 Constructors and Destructors for static Local Objects 
9.8.4 Demonstrating When Constructors and Destructors Are Called 
9.9 Time Class Case Study: A Subtle Trap—Returning a Reference or a Pointer to a private Data Member 
9.10 Default Memberwise Assignment 
9.11 const Objects and const Member Functions 
9.12 Composition: Objects as Members of Classes 
9.13 friend Functions and friend Classes 
9.14 Using the this Pointer 
9.14.1 Implicitly and Explicitly Using the this Pointer to Access an Object’s Data Members 
9.14.2 Using the this Pointer to Enable Cascaded Function Calls 
9.15 static Class Members 
9.15.1 Motivating Classwide Data 
9.15.2 Scope and Initialization of static Data Members 
9.15.3 Accessing static Data Members 
9.15.4 Demonstrating static Data Members 

10 Operator Overloading; Class string 
10.1 Introduction 
10.2 Using the Overloaded Operators of Standard Library Class string 
10.3 Fundamentals of Operator Overloading 
10.3.1 Operator Overloading Is Not Automatic 
10.3.2 Operators That You Do Not Have to Overload 
10.3.3 Operators That Cannot Be Overloaded 
10.3.4 Rules and Restrictions on Operator Overloading 
10.4 Overloading Binary Operators 
10.5 Overloading the Binary Stream Insertion and Stream Extraction Operators 
10.6 Overloading Unary Operators 
10.7 Overloading the Increment and Decrement Operators 
10.8 Case Study: A Date Class 
10.9 Dynamic Memory Management 
10.10 Case Study: Array Class 
10.10.1 Using the Array Class 
10.10.2 Array Class Definition 
10.11 Operators as Member vs. Non-Member Functions 
10.12 Converting Between Types 
10.13 explicit Constructors and Conversion Operators 
10.14 Overloading the Function Call Operator () 
10.15 Wrap-Up 

11 Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance 
11.1 Introduction 
11.2 Base Classes and Derived Classes 
11.2.1 CommunityMember Class Hierarchy 
11.2.2 Shape Class Hierarchy 
11.3 Relationship between Base and Derived Classes 
11.3.1 Creating and Using a CommissionEmployee Class 
11.3.2 Creating a BasePlusCommissionEmployee Class Without Using Inheritance 
11.3.3 Creating a CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy 
11.3.4 CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using protected Data 
11.3.5 CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using private Data 
11.4 Constructors and Destructors in Derived Classes 
11.5 public, protected and private Inheritance 

12 Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism 
12.1 Introduction 
12.2 Introduction to Polymorphism: Polymorphic Video Game 
12.3 Relationships Among Objects in an Inheritance Hierarchy 
12.3.1 Invoking Base-Class Functions from Derived-Class Objects 
12.3.2 Aiming Derived-Class Pointers at Base-Class Objects 
12.3.3 Derived-Class Member-Function Calls via Base-Class Pointers 
12.4 Virtual Functions and Virtual Destructors 
12.4.1 Why virtual Functions Are Useful 
12.4.2 Declaring virtual Functions 
12.4.3 Invoking a virtual Function Through a Base-Class Pointer or Reference 
12.4.4 Invoking a virtual Function Through an Object’s Name 
12.4.5 virtual Functions in the CommissionEmployee Hierarchy 
12.4.6 virtual Destructors 
12.4.7 C++11: final Member Functions and Classes 
12.5 Type Fields and switch Statements 
12.6 Abstract Classes and Pure virtual Functions 
12.6.1 Pure virtual Functions 
12.6.2 Device Drivers: Polymorphism in Operating Systems 
12.7 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism 
12.7.1 Creating Abstract Base Class Employee 
12.7.2 Creating Concrete Derived Class SalariedEmployee 
12.7.3 Creating Concrete Derived Class CommissionEmployee 
12.7.4 Creating Indirect Concrete Derived Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee 
12.7.5 Demonstrating Polymorphic Processing 
12.8 (Optional) Polymorphism, Virtual Functions and Dynamic Binding “Under the Hood” 
12.9 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism and Runtime Type Information with Downcasting, dynamic_cast, typeid and type_info 567
12.10 Wrap-Up 

13 Stream Input/Output: A Deeper Look 
13.1 Introduction 
13.2 Streams 
13.2.1 Classic Streams vs. Standard Streams 
13.2.2 iostream Library Headers 
13.2.3 Stream Input/Output Classes and Objects 
13.3 Stream Output 
13.3.1 Output of char* Variables 
13.3.2 Character Output Using Member Function put 
13.4 Stream Input 
13.4.1 get and getline Member Functions 
13.4.2 istream Member Functions peek, putback and ignore 
13.4.3 Type-Safe I/O 
13.5 Unformatted I/O Using read, write and gcount 
13.6 Stream Manipulators: A Deeper Look 
13.6.1 Integral Stream Base: dec, oct, hex and setbase 
13.6.2 Floating-Point Precision (precision, setprecision) 
13.6.3 Field Width (width, setw) 
13.6.4 User-Defined Output Stream Manipulators 
13.7 Stream Format States and Stream Manipulators 
13.7.1 Trailing Zeros and Decimal Points (showpoint) 
13.7.2 Justification (left, right and internal) 
13.7.3 Padding (fill, setfill) 
13.7.4 Integral Stream Base (dec, oct, hex, showbase) 
13.7.5 Floating-Point Numbers; Scientific and Fixed Notation (scientific, fixed) 
13.7.6 Uppercase/Lowercase Control (uppercase) 
13.7.7 Specifying Boolean Format (boolalpha) 
13.7.8 Setting and Resetting the Format State via Member Function flags 
13.8 Stream Error States 
13.9 Tying an Output Stream to an Input Stream 
13.10 Wrap-Up 

14 File Processing 
14.1 Introduction 
14.2 Files and Streams 
14.3 Creating a Sequential File 
14.3.1 Opening a File 
14.3.2 Opening a File via the open Member Function 
14.3.3 Testing Whether a File Was Opened Successfully 
14.3.4 Overloaded bool Operator 
14.3.5 Processing Data 
14.3.6 Closing a File 
14.3.7 Sample Execution 
14.4 Reading Data from a Sequential File 
14.4.1 Opening a File for Input 
14.4.2 Reading from the File 
14.4.3 File-Position Pointers 
14.4.4 Case Study: Credit Inquiry Program 
14.5 C++14: Reading and Writing Quoted Text 
14.6 Updating Sequential Files 
14.7 Random-Access Files 
14.8 Creating a Random-Access File 
14.8.1 Writing Bytes with ostream Member Function write 
14.8.2 Converting Between Pointer Types with the reinterpret_cast Operator 
14.8.3 Credit-Processing Program 
14.8.4 Opening a File for Output in Binary Mode 
14.9 Writing Data Randomly to a Random-Access File 
14.9.1 Opening a File for Input and Output in Binary Mode 
14.9.2 Positioning the File-Position Pointer 
14.10 Reading from a Random-Access File Sequentially 
14.11 Case Study: A Transaction-Processing Program 
14.12 Object Serialization 
14.13 Wrap-Up 

15 Standard Library Containers and Iterators 
15.1 Introduction 
15.2 Introduction to Containers 
15.3 Introduction to Iterators 
15.4 Introduction to Algorithms 
15.5 Sequence Containers 
15.5.1 vector Sequence Container 
15.5.2 list Sequence Container 
15.5.3 deque Sequence Container 
15.6 Associative Containers 
15.6.1 multiset Associative Container 
15.6.2 set Associative Container 
15.6.3 multimap Associative Container 
15.6.4 map Associative Container 
15.7 Container Adapters 
15.7.1 stack Adapter 
15.7.2 queue Adapter 
15.7.3 priority_queue Adapter 
15.8 Class bitset 

16 Standard Library Algorithms 
16.1 Introduction 
16.2 Minimum Iterator Requirements 
16.3 Lambda Expressions 
16.3.1 Algorithm for_each 
16.3.2 Lambda with an Empty Introducer 
16.3.3 Lambda with a Nonempty Introducer—Capturing Local Variables 
16.3.4 Lambda Return Types 
16.4.1 fill, fill_n, generate and generate_n 
16.4.2 equal, mismatch and lexicographical_compare 
16.4.3 remove, remove_if, remove_copy and remove_copy_if 
16.4.4 replace, replace_if, replace_copy and replace_copy_if 
16.4.5 Mathematical Algorithms 
16.4.6 Basic Searching and Sorting Algorithms 
16.4.7 swap, iter_swap and swap_ranges 
16.4.8 copy_backward, merge, unique and reverse 
16.4.9 inplace_merge, unique_copy and reverse_copy 
16.4.10 Set Operations 
16.4.11 lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range 
16.4.12 min, max, minmax and minmax_element 
16.5 Function Objects 
16.6 Standard Library Algorithm Summary 

17 Exception Handling: A Deeper Look 
17.1 Introduction 
17.2 Exception-Handling Flow of Control; Defining an Exception Class 
17.2.1 Defining an Exception Class to Represent the Type of Problem That Might Occur 
17.2.2 Demonstrating Exception Handling 
17.2.3 Enclosing Code in a try Block 
17.2.4 Defining a catch Handler to Process a DivideByZeroException 
17.2.5 Termination Model of Exception Handling 
17.2.6 Flow of Program Control When the User Enters a Nonzero Denominator 
17.2.7 Flow of Program Control When the User Enters a Denominator of Zero 
17.3 Rethrowing an Exception 
17.4 Stack Unwinding 
17.5 When to Use Exception Handling 
17.6 noexcept: Declaring Functions That Do Not Throw Exceptions 
17.7 Constructors, Destructors and Exception Handling 
17.7.1 Destructors Called Due to Exceptions 
17.7.2 Initializing Local Objects to Acquire Resources 
17.8 Processing new Failures 
17.8.1 new Throwing bad_alloc on Failure 
17.8.2 new Returning nullptr on Failure 
17.8.3 Handling new Failures Using Function set_new_handler 
17.9 Class unique_ptr and Dynamic Memory Allocation 
17.9.1 unique_ptr Ownership 
17.9.2 unique_ptr to a Built-In Array 
17.10 Standard Library Exception Hierarchy 
17.11 Wrap-Up 

18 Introduction to Custom Templates 
18.1 Introduction 
18.2 Class Templates 
18.2.1 Creating Class Template Stack 
18.2.2 Class Template Stack’s Data Representation 
18.2.3 Class Template Stack’s Member Functions 
18.2.4 Declaring a Class Template’s Member Functions Outside the Class Template Definition 
18.2.5 Testing Class Template Stack 
18.3 Function Template to Manipulate a Class-Template Specialization Object 
18.4 Nontype Parameters 
18.5 Default Arguments for Template Type Parameters 
18.6 Overloading Function Templates 
18.7 Wrap-Up 

19 Custom Templatized Data Structures 
19.1 Introduction 
19.1.1 Always Prefer the Standard Library’s Containers, Iterators and Algorithms, if Possible 
19.1.2 Special Section: Building Your Own Compiler 
19.2 Self-Referential Classes 
19.3 Linked Lists 
19.3.1 Testing Our Linked List Implementation 
19.3.2 Class Template ListNode 
19.3.3 Class Template List 
19.3.4 Member Function insertAtFront 
19.3.5 Member Function insertAtBack 
19.3.6 Member Function removeFromFront 
19.3.7 Member Function removeFromBack 
19.3.8 Member Function print 
19.3.9 Circular Linked Lists and Double Linked Lists 
19.4 Stacks 
19.4.1 Taking Advantage of the Relationship Between Stack and List 
19.4.2 Implementing a Class Template Stack Class Based By Inheriting from List 
19.4.3 Dependent Names in Class Templates 
19.4.4 Testing the Stack Class Template 
19.4.5 Implementing a Class Template Stack Class With Composition of a List Object 
19.5 Queues 
19.5.1 Applications of Queues 
19.5.2 Implementing a Class Template Queue Class Based By Inheriting from List 
19.5.3 Testing the Queue Class Template 
19.6 Trees 
19.6.1 Basic Terminology 
19.6.2 Binary Search Trees 
19.6.3 Testing the Tree Class Template 
19.6.4 Class Template TreeNode 
19.6.5 Class Template Tree 
19.6.6 Tree Member Function insertNodeHelper 
19.6.7 Tree Traversal Functions 
19.6.8 Duplicate Elimination 
19.6.9 Overview of the Binary Tree Exercises 
19.7 Wrap-Up 

20 Searching and Sorting 
20.1 Introduction 
20.2 Searching Algorithms 
20.2.1 Linear Search 
20.2.2 Binary Search 
20.3 Sorting Algorithms 
20.3.1 Insertion Sort 
20.3.2 Selection Sort 
20.3.3 Merge Sort (A Recursive Implementation) 

21 Class string and String Stream Processing: A Deeper Look 
21.1 Introduction 
21.2 string Assignment and Concatenation 
21.3 Comparing strings 
21.4 Substrings 
21.5 Swapping strings 
21.6 string Characteristics 
21.7 Finding Substrings and Characters in a string 
21.8 Replacing Characters in a string 
21.9 Inserting Characters into a string 
21.10 Conversion to Pointer-Based char* Strings 
21.11 Iterators 
21.12 String Stream Processing 
21.13 C++11 Numeric Conversion Functions 
21.14 Wrap-Up 

22 Bits, Characters, C Strings and structs 
22.1 Introduction 
22.2 Structure Definitions 
22.3 typedef and using 
22.4 Example: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation 
22.5 Bitwise Operators 
22.6 Bit Fields 
22.7 Character-Handling Library 
22.8 C String-Manipulation Functions 
22.9 C String-Conversion Functions 
22.10 Search Functions of the C String-Handling Library 
22.11 Memory Functions of the C String-Handling Library 
22.12 Wrap-Up 

Chapters on the Web 
A Operator Precedence and Associativity 
B ASCII Character Set 
C Fundamental Types 
D Number Systems 
D.1 Introduction 
D.2 Abbreviating Binary Numbers as Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers 
D.3 Converting Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers to Binary Numbers 
D.4 Converting from Binary, Octal or Hexadecimal to Decimal 
D.5 Converting from Decimal to Binary, Octal or Hexadecimal 
D.6 Negative Binary Numbers: Two’s Complement Notation 
E Preprocessor 
E.1 Introduction 
E.2 #include Preprocessing Directive 
E.3 #define Preprocessing Directive: Symbolic Constants 
E.4 #define Preprocessing Directive: Macros 
E.5 Conditional Compilation 
E.6 #error and #pragma Preprocessing Directives 
E.7 Operators # and ## 
E.8 Predefined Symbolic Constants 
E.9 Assertions 
E.10 Wrap-Up 
Appendices on the Web 

Chapters 23–26 and Appendices F–J are PDF documents posted online at the book’s password-protected Companion Website, which is accessible from http://www.pearsonhighered.com/deitel. 
23 Other Topics
24 C++11 and C++14: Additional Features
25 ATM Case Study, Part 1: Object-Oriented Design with the UM
26 ATM Case Study, Part 2: Implementing an Object-Oriented Design

F C Legacy Code Topics
G UML: Additional Diagram Types
H Using the Visual Studio Debugger
I Using the GNU C++ Debugger
J Using the Xcode Debugger


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