Implementing Advanced RESTful Concerns with ASP.NET Core 3

تاریخ: 1399/03/10 21:50
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برچسب ها: WEB API |ASP Core |Video |
دوره ویدیویی Implementing Advanced RESTful Concerns with ASP.NET Core 3
Kevin Dockx
3h 53m

در دوره ویدیویی Implementing Advanced RESTful Concerns with ASP.NET Core 3، شما نحوه پیاده سازی دغدغه‌های پیشرفته RESTful را با ASP.NET Core 3 یاد می‌گیرید. پیاده سازی این موارد منجر به API‌های بهتر و تکامل پذیر‌تر می‌شود. همچنین در این دوره شما خواهید آموخت که چگونه API‌های خود را با صفحه بندی، مرتب سازی و شکل دهی به داده‌ها بهبود دهید.

در دوره پیاده سازی دغدغه‌های پیشرفته RESTful با ASP.NET Core 3، شما همچنین می‌آموزید که چگونه API خود را با HATEOAS و مذاکره محتوای پیشرفته، تحول پذیر‌تر و قوی‌تر کنید و چگونه با caching و همزمانی نیز کار کنید. در پایان این دوره، شما باید در مورد محدودیت‌های REST بدانید و به سطح 3 RESTful API خواهید رسید که بالاترین سطح بلوغ ممکن است.

فیلم آموزشی «پیاده سازی دغدغه های پیشرفته RESTful با ASP.NET Core 3» موسسه پلورال سایت که توسط Kevin Dockx تدریس شده است، دارای زیرنویس انگلیسی است.


Table of Contents:
Course Overview
- Course Overview
Supporting Paging for Collection Resources
- Coming Up
- Positioning this Course
- Tooling
- Demo - Introducing the Demo Application
- Recapitulating REST
- Paging through Collection Resources
- Demo - Paging through Collection Resources
- Returning Pagination Metadata
- Demo - Improving Reuse with a PagedList<T> Class
- Demo - Returning Pagination Metadata
- Summary
Sorting Resource Collections
- Coming Up
- Sorting Resource Collections
- Demo - Sorting Resource Collections
- Creating a Property Mapping Service
- Demo - Creating a Property Mapping Service
- Demo - Creating a Reusable ApplySort Method
- Demo - Adding OrderBy Clauses to Pagination Links
- Demo - Taking Consumer Errors into Account When Sorting
- Summary
Shaping Data
- Coming Up
- Data Shaping Resources
- Demo - Creating a Reusable Extension Method to Shape Data
- Demo - Data Shaping Collection Resources
- Demo - Data Shaping Single Resources
- Demo - Taking Consumer Errors into Account When Shaping Data
- Exploring Additional Options
- Summary
Learning and Implementing HATEOAS
- Coming Up
- Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State
- Demo Introduction - Supporting HATOEAS
- Demo - Implementing HATEOAS Support for a Single Resource
- Demo - Implementing HATEOAS Support After POSTing
- Demo - Implementing HATEOAS Support for a Collection Resource
- Using HATEOAS for Pagination Links
- Demo - Using HATEOAS for Pagination Links
- Demo - Working Towards Self-discoverability with a Root Document
- Other Approaches and Options
- Summary
Improving Reliability with Advanced Content Negotiation
- Coming Up
- Revisiting the Contract Between Client and Server
- HATEOAS and Content Negotiation
- Demo - HATEOAS and Content Negotiation
- Tightening the Contract Between Client and Server with Vendor-specific Media Types
- Demo - Tightening the Contract Between Client and Server with Vendor-specific Media Types
- Working with Vendor-specific Media Types on Input
- Demo - Working with Vendor-specific Media Types on Input
- Versioning in a RESTful World
- Summary
Getting Started with Caching Resources
- Coming Up
- Supporting the Cacheable Constraint
- Cache Types
- Response Cache Attribute and Middleware
- Demo - Adding Cache Headers to the Response
- Demo - Adding a Cache Store with the ResponseCaching Middleware
- Demo - Using Cache Profiles to Apply the Same Rules to Different Resources
- Expiration Model
- Validation Model
- Exploring Cache-control Directives
- Summary
Supporting HTTP Cache for ASP.NET Core APIs
- Coming Up
- Supporting ETags
- Demo - Adding Support for Generating ETags
- Demo - Global Cache Header Configuration
- Demo - Resource-level Cache Header Configuration
- Demo - Dealing with Varying Response Representations
- Demo - ETags and the Validation Model
- Cache Stores and Content Delivery Networks
- Cache Invalidation
- Summary
Supporting Concurrency
- Coming Up
- Supporting Concurrency in a RESTful World
- Demo - Supporting Concurrency
- Summary

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