Exam Ref 70-767 Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse
آزمون 70-767 بر روی عناصر کلیدی انبار داده در SQL Server 2016 تاکید دارد. این کتاب مفاهیم اساسی مدل سازی داده و طراحی و پیاده سازی پایگاه داده منطقی و فیزیکی را پوشش داده است. سرویسهای یکپارچه سازی SQL Server به نام SSIS به صورت دقیق شرح داده شده اند تا متخصصان IT، فهم دقیقی از نحوهی کار SSIS برای پشتیبانی از فرآیند ETL برای لود کردن یک انبار داده داشته باشند.
Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-767–and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of skills for managing data warehouses. This exam is intended for Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) data warehouse developers who create business intelligence (BI) solutions. Their responsibilities include data cleansing as well as ETL and data warehouse implementation. The reader should have experience installing and implementing a Master Data Services (MDS) model, using MDS tools, and creating a Master Data Manager database and web application. The reader should understand how to design and implement ETL control flow elements and work with a SQL Service Integration Services package.
Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:
• Design, and implement, and maintain a data warehouse
• Extract, transform, and load data
• Build data quality solutionsThis Microsoft Exam Ref:
• Organizes its coverage by exam objectives
• Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you
• Assumes you have working knowledge of relational database technology and incremental database extraction, as well as experience with designing ETL control flows, using and debugging SSIS packages, accessing and importing or exporting data from multiple sources, and managing a SQL data warehouse.